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Sunday 28 July 2013

The Uni Adventures: Saying goodbye

Eventually, after many-a deadline, the summer hit and the time neared for the sun to set on our first year adventures. In our last few weeks, Farnham didn't quite seem to want to say goodbye; the sun climbed up into a bright blue sky and shone warmly down on the little town, making it look prettier than ever.

The weather was a bonus to the last few weeks, and we spent it together watching films and cruising around, finishing off our lessons before kicking back and embracing the summer sun.

One of our aims for the year was to pop into the town for a good old English cream tea; and what better time to venture out than in the last stretch of a wondrous year! Al and I trotted down to The Vintage Cafe; a quaint little place full of chunky wooden tables, delicate chairs and pretty little teacups - with fresh flowers in vases on the tables.

Our tea, scones, cream and jam arrived and they were very scrumptious. We nattered and munched, sipped and crunched until the day grew to a close. We reflected on the past year, and all the times we'd had.

"It'll be sad to leave this place," Al nodded, "But it'll be great fun in the new house!"

Yep, that's right, NEW HOUSE!

We got the keys to our lovely new house in July, and then we all plan to move in around September time. In fact, soon after our cream tea we joined up with everybody else to go and chose our rooms. Unfortunately Andy won't be joining us, but we have a basket reserved especially for his frequent visits.

We ambled up through the streets of Farnham and met one of the previous people that lived in the house, and she showed us 'round. Laura and me chose a room on the very top floor that overlooked the garden. We all wandered around asking the questions we needed answering, and pondering the ponders we had been pondering, then all met back up in the garden.

Whilst Russel and Bradders discussed where they'd play football in our tiny little garden, Lui and I nattered about vegetable patches, and planting a whole forest of Raymonds. We looked at the big ol' tree sat in the corner with a little lantern hanging from it, and decided that investing in fairy-lights and having a BBQ would be a fitting start to life in house 22!

We left the house feeling full of excitement for the upcoming year. Where we had been living was really lovely, but it will be nice to have somewhere to call our own... with SOFAS! And a garden!

When the end of May hit, the old house started to empty. We had teary goodbyes and big old hugs, and waved our paws to each-other until next time.

Goodbye house 87, and thank you for having us!

Now, it's back to the Ives with Laura for the summer, and some new adventures back home!

Catch you very soon!
Lotsa love,

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