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Friday 9 January 2015

A new year and a new housemate: Why we had our paws full in 2014...

Whaaat... Who is that?

Come over here a sec, lemme see you...

Oh! Gosh!

Fancy seeing you here!

Yeah, it's been a while, huh?

2014 was a very fox-less year, wasn't it? TOO fox-less for my liking!

But yaaaaay its 2015! So...

Well I GUESS as its been a whooooooooooooole year I should tell you where I've been!

I kept sitting down at my big computery box and looking at it thinking "Yeeeah let's write stuff!" But then something happened and it got swept away in the business of busy things. Then before I knew it, I hop back on and the last time was Christmas! And now it's just been Christmas AGAIN!

How did that happen?!

SO, as you know, I decided a couple of years ago to join my bestest friend Laura and go to art school with her to help her draw pretty pictures. We have made lots and lots of new friends, and it was all pretty wondrous!

And then one day, things changed a bit... A lot. Things got VERY busy as we had our paws full with...


I was VERY excited to meet our new chum. I put the kettle on and sat in the living room until there was a: Knock! Knock! Knock! at the door.

We ran down the stairs and flung open the door to greet...

The cutest, sweetest little puppy

He had long dangly ears and snowy, chocolatey fur, and he was trying to lug a huge guitar case behind him.

He looked up at us with very wide and very confused eyes and said a VERY excited: "HELLO!"

We jumped back a bit in surprise. I cleared my throat. "Hello! My name is Fo--"

"WOW!" The puppy grinned, with a smile that reached ear to ear. "THIS is your house?! It's a nice house, a REALLY  nice house! When did you get here?!"

"Well," I started "We--"

"WOW, look at that pile of mail! You have A LOT of mail, do you get usually get that much mail?!"

"Um, well sometimes but--" I stammered.

"Where's my room?! Is it the bottom floor or the top floor? What floor is YOUR room on? I like being on the..."

"Here!" Laura laughed, cutting in and crouching down to pick up the guitar. "Follow us, we'll show you." She looked at me as they walked past and gave a chuckle. I sat still on the step, squinting my eyes and trying to catch up with the conversation.

I picked myself up off the floor, and already exhausted, I plodded after them to show the little puppy around his room. We helped him carry in the boxes stacked up by the front door, and decided to save the question of how he carried them all there for another time.

"So what's your name?" I said, pushing along a box with my nose.

"My name is... WOAH! WHAT'S THAT?!" And the little puppy slid across the middle of the room, bumping into the wall and pointing to a little white square.

I looked at Laura. She just smiled and shrugged. "Um... That's... That's a socket." I said, wondering how old he was.

"HA!" The puppy barked, and burst out laughing. "Don't be silly! You can't put that on your feet!"

I furrowed my brow and just stared at the puppy, throwing my paw across my face in despair. "No! Not a sock! A socket! You use it to..."

"OH! I nearly forgot!" The little dog exclaimed, scampering over to one of his boxes. "I got you a present to say thank you for having me..."

I gave a deep breath, smiled and tilted my head. "Aww, you didn't have to--"

"Here!" He handed me a bag and the label read: 'Chocolate covered waffles'.

Laura crouched down and gave him a hug with a pat on the head and a: "Thank you! That's so sweet!"

"No worries!" He beamed. "Actually, I got hungry on the way here and I ate all the waffles! But I thought you could use the bag to make a fort... Or to hide in for hide and seek... Or! Or!..."

"Er... Thank you." I said. "Maybe I'll make it into some socks... Now, let's put our paws up for a bit. Would you like a cup of tea?" I asked, rummaging in one of his boxes for a mug.

"No thank you, I don't like tea... But I LOVE coffee!"

The mug slipped from my paws in shock and I leapt to catch it, juggling it with myself until I managed to clasp a hold of it and fell onto my tummy. I tried to stand up but my legs started quivering and I couldn't do it. I felt too faint.

"You.. You.." I whimpered, "You don't like tea?! ..."

"Nah, well it's okay but I don't really drink it. Ooooh, THERE'S my pillow!" And with that, the puppy disappeared into a box.

I hauled myself up off the floor and used the door frame to pull myself up, clutching on to it and gazing very sadly up at Laura: "H-h-how can you not like tea?!"

"Maybe you can change his mind." Laura laughed. "C'mon, let's go make some drinks. Oh, by the way, did you catch his name? Because I--"

We jumped and turned around to see an overturned box, a pile of half-fallen curtain, and a fallen guitar that had made a nice little hole in the wall. A little bundle of chocolate fur rolled out from under the chaos with a pillow tangled up in his tail.

Shaking a bit of curtain out of his eye, he paused, and then gave a very wide-eyed, mischievous smile and simply said: "Um... My name's Louis."

Laura looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "This is going to be a fun year..."

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